Stanley Park Dental Centre

Clear Aligner Therapy

Dental Services

Clear Aligner Therapy in Vancouver

If you are not comfortable with traditional metal braces, clear aligner therapy is an effective teeth straightening solution. Instead of visible metal brackets and wires, clear aligner therapy uses clear plastic trays to gently shift teeth into their desired positions.

The Benefits of Clear Aligner Therapy

Many patients opt for clear aligner therapy because of its subtlety and near-invisibility. Additionally, the clear aligner trays are removable, making it easy to clean your teeth and trays. Because you can remove the aligners when you eat, you won’t have to restrict your diet.

How Clear Aligner Therapy Works

Like metal braces, clear aligner therapy guides your teeth into new positions over an extended period of time. You will receive a series of custom-made clear plastic trays, which you will need to wear for 20–22 hours per day. After wearing your aligners for several months, you will notice your teeth shift into the desired position.

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