Stanley Park Dental Centre


Dental Services

Dentures in Vancouver

Dentures are a tried-and-true prosthetic device designed to restore the functionality and aesthetics of your teeth. While full dentures can be used to replace a full set of teeth, partial dentures are another option if you still have natural teeth remaining.

When to Consider Dentures

If you have missing teeth, the natural teeth in your mouth may shift over time. This results in crooked teeth and a misaligned bite. Gaps in the teeth can also affect the way you speak, bite, and chew. For this reason, it’s important to fill gaps caused by missing teeth.

Taking Care of Your Dentures

Dentures require proper at-home care to stay in good shape. It’s best to take out and rinse your dentures after eating and clean your mouth with a soft-bristled toothbrush when you take them out for the day. We recommend soaking your dentures overnight in a denture-cleaning solution to keep them clean and sanitized.

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